Playing at “NUTS 2022” with Mikkiou and Friends

Playing at “NUTS 2022” with Mikkiou and Friends

Coming Soon! ….. March 18, 2022 (Friday) @ 15:00 @ Gallery Kinomi


ただいま、サニースマイルズは次のライブの準備中です。アーティストミッキオウ(藤谷美貴雄)と彼の仲間達が主催する アートの展覧会、”NUTS 2022″の期間中、ちょっとした音楽パーティーをすることになりました。喜んで引き受けました!一つのリクエストがあり:愛の讃歌を歌わせて下さい!問題ない!


SunnySmiles is now preparing for their next LIVE performance, a collaboration with artist Mikkio (Fujitani, Mikkio) taking place on March 18, 2022. It all started with a friend requesting that we play at their art exhibit. Their only request was that we also play the song, L’hyme a l’amour (in Japanese…. Ai No Sanka). Of course, we could play that!!! I rushed to look up the song … Oh…. THAT song!!!
Waaaay out of our league!!! Uh, oh….


My! What a PASSIONATE chanson! It was definitely a new new world of music for us! 

お一応、マルチ・リンガルの音楽デゥオと”歌っている”二人ですから、これを機会にフランス語で歌ってみよう!と(初級フランス語の生徒の)ミッツが飛び上がり、毎日聴いて・まねして・料理中も散歩中も近くのスーパーで買い物中でも歌って、、、1ヶ月後なんとか歌えるようになりました。(フランス人の友達の「OK!」ももらって、めちゃハッピーです!😂  )

フランス語と日本語のバージョンはかなり違いますが、どっちも愛の深さを語る。ミホと二人でコラボで歌えるようにアレーンジしてみました!ミッキオウさんの深いベースで歌う日本語の声 と ミッツのフランス語 と サニースマイルズ のいつものハーモニーをいい感じで歌を味わえると思います!楽しみにしてね!

Being a multi-lingual singing duo, I jumped at the chance to learn the song in FRENCH! (I am a beginner French student!) It was not easy, but after 1 month of obsessing over it everyday… while cooking, on walks, while shopping at my local supermarket, I was finally able to sing it! (I’m happy to note that it was even “okay’d” by my French musician friend!) The song in Japanese and the song in French have such different meanings! However, they both sing passionately about deep love, so Miho and I decided to combine the two versions into one song for our performance with Mikkio. I think you will like what we did with Mikkio’s deep bass voice along with my (French-native approved! 😂  ) French and our usual SunnySmiles harmonious take on this new arrangement! I hope so, anyway! 

(当日のセット・リスト)The rest of our set are as follows:

Blackbird (The Beatles)

Mele ‘Ailana ( By Manu Boyd)

Fly Me to the Moon (Bert Howard)

L’Hymne à L’amour + Ai no Sanka  + …


If this our new French song is a success, we will officially be able to sing in  5 languages! Pretty Cool.

Do you want to see Mikkiou’s art in-person?

March 10- March 14; March 17- March 21


Gallery Kinomi


JR茅ヶ崎駅下車 神奈中バス「芹沢入口」下車
小田急線湘南台駅下車 神奈中バス「芹沢入口」下車

Tel: 080-5517-1438   営業時間:10:00 〜17:00


A Special Collaboration with a Special Friend!

The beauty of collaboration!



What I especially loved about our LIVE at the end of last year is our collaboration with Yoshiyuki Sato and “Silent Night” in 3 languages: English, Japanese and Hawaiian.  How fun! 

A night with Rudolph!

Thank you for a wonderful 2021


Miho and I are so blessed to be able to share our music with our small group of friends. With each performance we learn more how to play, how to innovate and how to have fun with our music with where we are at that time.


 This time, we prepared to play in front of an afterschool program at our local elementary school and performed that particular song again at a live event that we were to perform for our friends that same night. Here is that video… with puppets and all! 


“I am Me” Boku wa Kimi… with Friends!

After months of practicing, the day finally came. The Chigasaki city Culture Festival, 2021.


Miho and I are members of “Witch,” a story-telling group, lead by my lovely illustrator friend, Junko (in the green beret!) Joined with Yoshiyuki Sato, a super humble and talented man (who happens to be blind and loves making crafts and playing bongos and singing,)
“Witch” strives to present stories that reflect our very unique talents in very creative ways


This year we decided to present a picture book that Junko recently published. Written in Japanese, the book describes how “boku,” (a child-like way of referring to the self, often male) a mystery character always seems to “be there” to save “kimi” (informal “you”) in times of trouble and confusion and heartbreak. We find out in the end that “boku” is ALSO the “kimi” who is being “saved;” together since birth, together till death. It is a personification of the very strong, loving “SELF” who always knows that we are “innately fine” and that we have the “stuff” to make it through whatever comes our way.


“Boku wa Kimi, Kimi wa Boku” is based on a real-life experience, which makes it all the more special. As we brainstormed how to present Junko’s story, our ideas expanded to how we could make the book go beyond pen and paper. Miho would do the narrating, I would do the animation and Junko and Yoshiyuki Sato would take care of the sound effects!


「ぼくはきみ きみはぼく」は実話の元で描かれただけに、深い意味も持ちます。本の「見せ方」のアイディアも出し合い、だんだんと通常の紙芝居を超える形で本を表現出来ないかと言う話になった。Mihoさんはナレーション、Mitzは動画、Junkoさんと佐藤さんは効果音担当。

Of course, we could not NOT sing (as we are Sunny Smiles! ha, ha! ). Junko had asked me to write a song for the book some months before…and she didn’t mind if it was in English.
So I composed … “I am Me.” 

We later found out that Sato-san, our 4th member (and who I thought only played percussion), was a member of a choir and loved to sing, too!
We definitely needed him to join this part of the act. The only problem was that he didn’t know any English. We first toyed with the idea of his only doing back-up parts, but that didn’t feel right.

So, I decided to attempt a JAPANESE version of the song. For a first timer, I was shocked at how smoothly the lyrics and music came together. Yay. In planning our 10 – 15-minute presentation, we found ourselves asking things like, “What is the sound of a heart breaking?” or “What does being prickly mad like a puffer fish sound like?” or “How can we make a “real” heart come out from a TV screen?” Fun!



と言うことで、英語で作曲した”I am Me”の日本語バージョンを書くと決めた。驚くほどすんなりと日本語バージョンが出来た。「ハートがバラバラになる音ってどんな音?」「プクプク、チクチクとフグみたいに怒っている音はなんだ?」「ハートはテレビから出せるかな?」などいろんな面白い発想を一つ一つ実現化し、完成させてた15分位の読み聞かせプラス演奏が出来上がった。


“Boku wa Kimi…” Rehearsal

It’s amazing the things we can do when we DECIDE that we WANT to!


Cameras were not allowed at the festival, so here is a clip of one of our rehearsals.


We were nervous during our presentation and made quite a few mistakes! But I think the audience enjoyed it and understood our story.

One friend called to say that she was in tears with our presentation and wanted to show it to the many children that she knew felt very alone in the world.

For me, that comment alone made the MANY months of meeting and practicing and planning totally WORTH it!





Yesterday, Junko, Miho and I visited a cafe and told the owner about the event that we had just finished the day before. I was so pleased with the idea. We did a mini presentation with the instruments that Miho still had packed in her car. He loved it! And so now we are booked for another performance at the end of November. Wow. Who knows how far we can go to spread this message of inner strength.

昨日、Miho、 JunkoとMitz、3人で近くのカフェへ行って、カフェのマスターに前の日に終わったばかりのイベントの話をしました。たまたままだ車に積んでいた道具などあったので、彼のためにミニプレゼンをしてみました。彼は感激してくた。そして11月の末にイベントとしてもう一度プレゼンするチャンスが出来た。びっくり。「ぼくはきみ、きみはぼく」の「自分の力」を信じるメッセージをどこまで広められるかは、とても楽しみです。

“Drop-in” Performance at Kinomi

Article by Mitz of SunnySmiles:
We had so much fun with our little LIVE event at Gallery KINOMI in Chigasaki!

Thank you artist, Ritz Yamashina for inviting us to his art exhibition to play!
In late September in 2021, we are still in the middle of a pandemic….the cases of corona (in Tokyo, Kanagawa) are finally STARTING to go down (with more and more people getting vaccinated… I’m assuming!) but the number is still high enough that we decided not to “advertise” or invite our friends. We decided to play IF there were people hanging out at the end of the day.

After the clock struck 5 (when the cafe was scheduled to close) we quickly set up our chairs for a quick performance!
Here is a video of our newest arrangements of the Hawaiian favorite, “Wahine ‘Ilikea” and the jazz classic “All of Me”. 



“Wahine ‘Ilikea” arrangement by SunnySmiles

“All of Me” arrangement by SunnySmiles

Ritz Yamashina is a Chigasaki-based Artist whose passion it is to travel around the world and capture inspirational images with with his paintbrush. His exhibition will be on display until Monday, September 27, 2021! It is a great place to take a walk in nature in the hills of Chigasaki near Satoyama Park.
Please stop by to have a cup of coffee or some delicious dessert!

地元茅ヶ崎のアーティスト、山科 律( RITZ)さんの展覧会はギャラリー木の実で9月27日まで続きます。是非お立ち寄りください!

Do you want to see the paintings in-person?

September 16th – September 27th, 2021


Gallery Kinomi


JR茅ヶ崎駅下車 神奈中バス「芹沢入口」下車
小田急線湘南台駅下車 神奈中バス「芹沢入口」下車

Tel: 080-5517-1438   営業時間:10:00 〜17:00
